Computer Vision: Face Recognition Quick Starter in Python

Short Description

Python Deep Learning based Face Detection, Recognition, Emotion , Gender and Age Classification using all popular models


Hi There!

welcome to my new course ‘Face Recognition with Deep Learning using Python’. This is an updated course from my Computer Vision series which covers Python Deep Learning based Face Detection, Face Recognition, Emotion , Gender and Age Classification using all popular models including Haar Cascade, HOG, SSD, MMOD, MTCNN, EigenFace, FisherFace, VGGFace, FaceNet, OpenFace, DeepFace

Face Detection and Face Recognition is the most used applications of Computer Vision. Using these techniques, the computer will be able to extract one or more faces in an image or video and then compare it with the existing data to identify the people in that image.

Face Detection and Face Recognition is widely used by governments and organizations for surveillance and policing. We are also making use of it daily in many applications like face unlocking of cell phones etc.

This course will be a quick starter for people who wants to dive deep into face recognition using Python without having to deal with all the complexities and mathematics associated with typical Deep Learning process.

We will be using a python library called face-recognition which uses simple classes and methods to get the face recognition implemented with ease. We are also using OpenCV, Dlib and Pillow for python as supporting libraries.

Let’s now see the list of interesting topics that are included in this course.

At first we will have an introductory theory session about Face Detection and Face Recognition technology.

After that, we are ready to proceed with preparing our computer for python coding by downloading and installing the anaconda package. Then we will install the rest of dependencies and libraries that we require including the dlib, face-recognition, opencv etc and will try a small program to see if everything is installed fine.

Most of you may not be coming from a python based programming background. The next few sessions and examples will help you get the basic python programming skill to proceed with the sessions included in this course. The topics include Python assignment, flow-control, functions and data structures.

Then we will have an introduction to the basics and working of face detectors which will detect human faces from a given media. We will try the python code to detect the faces from a given image and will extract the faces as separate images.

check: c++ course

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